“Wilson Sons shipyard demonstrated excellent technical quality among their employees, in addition to constant concern for the safety of both personnel and material. Even with the large amount of services required to restore structural integrity, the ship was delivered in excellent condition and in a short time.”
“By using Wilson Sons' Tecon Rio Grande, we speed up and optimize the export process, reduce logistics costs and ensure greater cargo safety. This allows us to compete more efficiently in the international market, expanding our business opportunities, which has been proven with advances in our exports.”
“Our commercial relationship with Wilson Sons, a praised and renowned company, is extremely solid and highly respectful: it is with strong partnerships that we all grow.”
“The Wilson Sons Maritime Agency has been fundamental in consolidating logistics operations in northern Brazil. This partnership is even more important if we consider the complexity of the local scenario and the need for constant advice from a reliable and reputable maritime agent.”
“Wilson Sons is a great partner of Porto do Açu, both in operations and in maritime and port innovation. We have been together since the start of operations at Porto do Açu, as well as at the innovation hub known as Cubo Maritime & Port, in São Paulo, and also at Blue Rio, a collaborative blue economy program in Rio de Janeiro.”
"Our partnership with Wilson Sons' Tecon Rio Grande began in the 1980s and since then, it has only grown, as has our cabotage. We are very grateful for this partnership."
"Working with Wilson Sons' Tecon Santa Clara helped our company optimize its logistics, reducing costs and time in processes. The availability of nearby containers, in stock, was often useful in shipments. Not to mention the fact that we are able to contribute to nature, at least a little, using a less polluting transportation mode, for most of the route of our cargo."
“Wilson Sons’ tug boats operate in ship-to-ship operations to supply the Porto de Sergipe Thermal Power Station, capable of storing up to 170 thousand cubic meters of LNG and regasifying up to 21 million cubic meters of gas per day. These are highly complex operations and require a high level of safety, with adequate planning and training. Having a partner with Wilson Sons experience makes the whole difference.”
"Wilson Sons has been a large and important business partner of Ocean Network Express Latin America in Brazil since the beginning of its activities in the country in 2018. However, long before it already provided services to the Japanese shipowner, Mitsui OSK Lines. Without a doubt, being able to count on a business partner such as Wilson Sons – which already had local services expertise as a maritime agency – contributed significantly to our achieving success during the transition period, which more often than not leads to big challenges, and it was no different with us. Our most honest gratitude to the entire Wilson Sons team."
"Wilson Sons is an efficient company, always looking for alternatives to better serve customers. It offers a complete solution of services, including storage in primary zones, when needed. Tecon Salvador is an efficient terminal with constant ship movements without long delays caused by weather or water level issues in berths."
We have portals that bring relevant information for cargo tracking, simplifying the routine with safety, simplicity and agility